F1b Bernedoodle Stud
Brown Tricolor
Height: 25"
Weight: 55lb
Health Testing:
DNA CLEAR for all genetic diseases via Embark
Carrier DM SOD1B via Paw Print Genetics (not at risk)
OFA CAER/Eyes Normal
PennHIP ( R = 0.41 | L = 0.36 )
OFA Hip Prelims Good
OFA Elbow Prelims Normal
OFA Basic Cardiac Normal
OFA Patellas Normal
Additional Testing:
Color Panel/Coat Traits Tested Embark - carries red and parti - fully furnished curly coat
(Eme kyky atat bb Ssp FF +/+ 5/10 no RALY) -
F/F via Pawprint (no weak furnishings)
The apple didn't fall far from tree! Dax is just as sugary sweet as his papa, Stash. He is easy going, low-medium energy, and loves everyone he meets. Dax's coat started out dark brown, but has lightened to Cafe as he's gotten older. Dax is Co-Owned by Sun Valley Goldendoodles and lives with a guardian family. He is proven & available for stud services for select females.
Female bernedoodles must test CLEAR FOR BOTH SOD1A & SOD1B DM in order to breed to Dax.
Dax will likely be retired by the end of 2024