Golden Mountain Doodle Stud
Apricot Parti (Hidden Phantom)
Height: 25"
Weight: 58lb
Health Testing:
Carrier 1 copy ICH1 via Embark, otherwise clear
Carrier 1 copy SOD1B DM via Paw Print Genetics
Clear ICH2 by Parentage
OFA CAER/Eyes Normal
PennHIP (0.39/0.4), no OA
OFA Hip (prelims) rated Good
OFA Elbows (prelims) Normal
OFA basic cardiac Normal
OFA patellas Normal
Additional Testing:
Color Panel/Coat Traits Tested Embark
ee kyky ata bb spsp FF -/-, red intensity 7/10 -
Clear for weak furnishings via Parentage
62.2% Poodle | 27.1% Bernese | 10.7% Golden Retriever
This boy is marvelous!! He is on the lower side of medium energy, confident, affectionate, outgoing, food motivated, and eager to please! He is fully furnished (F/F), genetically straight coated (-/-), and can produce both brown and black tricolor GMDs! Marvel lives with a loving guardian family in Phoenix. Marvel is the son of our foundation papa, Stash.
Marvel is proven & available for stud services for select females & restrictions may apply.
** Females must be CLEAR for both variants, SOD1A and SOD1B, DM, as well as ICH1. **
Stud Fees:
1st Breeding: $1,500
Additional breedings: $250 each
*additional fees apply for AI/shipping*